
Transit Maps
My attempts at Transit Diagrams

Voivodeships centroids
Spatial analysis showing relation between region centroid and capital city

Transnistria map
Map of Transnistria, unrecognized state in Eastern Europe

Map - Bornholm in 1901
Bornholm island in 1901

Ratio of largest discount shops chains in Poland
Difference in the ratio of the two largest discount shops chains in Poland

Tallinn Poster map
Tallinn map with relief

Map - East Prussia in 1810
Former province of Kingdom of Prussia.

Street names in Poland
The most common street names in Poland

Samo's Empire Map
Samo's Empire is the historiographical name for the West Slavic tribal union established by King Samo aroun AD 650.

Socio-economic development in Poland
Map showing voivodeships of Poland by HDI

Map posters
Map poster with any region or city.

Map for a historical publication
Historical map for Swiss Museum publication

Places Names Finder
See how the places in Poland are distributed in terms of nomenclature. Search by suffix, prefix and whole phrases.

Flags colors
Application showing which colours appear on flags and in what percentage

Points on graticule
Just showing parallels and meridians for a chosen point

Mennonites in Poland website
An exhibition in the form of a website

Gdynia Open Data
Data viewer for public data of the city of Gdynia

Mosaic generator
Generate shapes in one click.

Violence map in Minneapolis
Map shows police incidents with heatmap layer generated for each year to present spatial distribution of the incidents. Used official MinneapolisGIS data.

Tap Water Quality Interactive Map
Interactive map showing tap water quality details for countries, US states and cities all over the world. Map is a part of the website .

Traveling Salesman Problem Solver
Application solves traveling salesman problem. Shows the shorter paths between given points with coordinates