Relacja z pierwszej ręki

by: Janusz Zajdel

Mar 03, 2025

Polish only


A collection of short stories by a Polish science-fiction author. The short stories collected here come from different periods of his work. As is often the case in such extensive collections, they differ in level. Of course, I will not describe each of them here. I will share my impressions of reading the most interesting short stories in my opinion.

Studnia (The Well)

An eccentric and quirky professor shows great courage during a research expedition on one of the moons of Mars. An interesting concept of what scientific work might look like under such conditions.

Uranofagia (Uranophagia)

The main character ends up on a planet inhabited by unusual creatures. They feed on uranium and other radioactive elements. As they grow older, however, they have to distance themselves from others because it threatens to explode each other. An interesting vision of the crazy and impossible path that life on another planet could have taken.

Towarzysz podróży (Travel companion)

In the compartment of a train, the main character meets a scientist who shares his research with a fellow passenger. It so happens that this scientist has made a discovery of a technology that could become a dangerous tool in the hands of irresponsible people. He has yet to share his discovery with anyone. Meanwhile, a train accident occurs…

Ogon diabła (Devil’s tail)

Ever wondered what happens to things we put in one place and find them in another at an unexpected moment? The main character decides to conduct a series of experiments to prove what happens to these objects. We learn about the results of the protagonist’s research in a rather unexpected way.

Dokąd jedzie ten tramwaj? (Where is the tram going)?

In the world depicted, every citizen has at least a high school education. There is a kind of rat race going on in pursuit of diplomas and more academic titles. Everyone has to educate themselves in order not to lose a job (even one that, by today’s standards, does not require higher education). An entertaining polemic by the author against the vision of a system that places a premium on producing professors at any cost.

Jad Mantezji (Venom of Mantesia)

The main character wants to use the discovery of his dead (or is it really?) comrade to gain fame and reap the profits. Lying doesn’t pay.

Psy Agenora (Agenor’s Dogs)

A sad and grim vision of a region affected by radioactive contamination.