Investing is something that every person should try. Regardless of your feelings after contact with the stock market or other financial instruments - it is valuable experience and knowledge. By most people in my country it is perceived as reserved for the rich or a handful of initiated people.
The author of this book is a quite popular blogger who writes about investing and saving. I have been interested in the topic of investments for several years, but my knowledge has increased significantly thanks to the content on this blog.Fortunately, he is not one of those financial gurus who promises huge profits if you just buy his book or take a course. Rather, he introduces the reader to issues from the world of finance and shows how you can manage your money. What’s more, the approach promoted in the book is passive investing.
What I particularly like about this author’s work is the large amount of analysis and charts. How did the instruments behave in specific periods of time, when their value increased, when it decreased? Can you see any correlations between them?
This is a great textbook, aimed mainly at people who are just starting out in investing. However, for me, it is almost a complete book. Although I treat it as a “textbook”, it took me only a three days to read it. After reading it, I took notes and made some decisions based on the advice and tips that the author provides. The amount of knowledge contained here means I will definitely read it again.